Monday, March 23, 2009

You Tube and Teacher Tube Without Distractions

Have you noticed lately that there are more and more advertising on You Tube and Teacher Tube? It is fine with me that they are getting paid for storing and supplying these videos for us, but when students are watching them, the advertising and print around the videos can be very distracting. The solution lies in a simple tool called Quietube . Go to this website and you will be given the option of dragging a tool up to your toolbar.
Open up any video from You Tube or Teacher Tube and then click the Quietube button on your toolbar. Presto! The video appears with no other print material surrounding it.
I usually give credit to the place where I find a good website, link, or tool - but I cannot remember whose blog I read about this on. It is really cool - give it a try!

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