Friday, October 19, 2007

On The Road Again

I have not updated this blog for awhile, because the true purpose of this blog has not really begun as yet. I will be mainly writing this blog as an update to the content of my technology workshops for classroom teachers, administrators, media specialists and technology specialists. Most of my workshops are presented through BER- The Bureau of Education and Research. I begin the first of my 36 workshops for the year on Monday, October 22nd. in Champaign, IL. I then go on to Springfield, Peoria, and Chicago North and Chicago South next week. There will be two sources for my updates. First of all, I never leave a workshop without learning something new from the participants and I also learn form the many blogs, listservs, and newsletters that I read each night after a workshop. I so often say to myself, "I really wish I had this idea, website, etc. when I did today's or yesterday's workshop!" Now, if the participants subscribe to my blog, I can keep the workshop virtually all year and who knows how long into the future?

I just found something tonight that I will now add to Monday's workshop. It is a website with the cutest, educationally sound, and motivating online stories and songs about science. It is called Science Story Books and can be found at

Starting Monday night, you will hear more about the workshops, my travel woes, and about the wonderful people I meet along the way!

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